Sunday, February 1, 2009

My 100 oddball things about Me

I saw this on some random blog at one time and have thought about doing it. So here goes the 100 random things about me (at 28)

- I hate people who snap their gum
-When I want something, I want it now. I'm a car dealer's dream
-Sephora is my favorite store. I spend like I'm at Costco there.
-Ask me a dumb question and I will probably answer with a very sarcastic answer. I don't deal well with people who aren't very smart or pretend to be dumb.
-I am a sucker for teen soap operas. 90210 (the old one) is my favorite.
-One crime I can't stand is stealing probably because I deal with it on a daily basis. People who steal should be required to to work retail after their dead!
-I get jealous of other people's wealth and possessions.
-I usually joke at other people's expense. (that is mainly thanks to my husband's family)
-I also only find things really funny if someone gets hurt or during inappropriate times.
-I sleep with two pillows. One has to be my down feather pillow.
-I love seafood and hate Mexican food (except Cafe Rio)
-I'm pretty good at remembering things, but procrastinate on the stuff I don't want to do.
-I was a newspaper carrier for 7 years.
-I've caused 3 car accidents in my life and have never had an auto ticket.
-I've been a certified EMT twice.

-I've been arrested once for an unpaid smoking ticket I received when I was 18.
-I love brand new bed sheets. If I were rich, I would buy them at least weekly.
-I get the willies when I or someone else rubs their hands really fast across the carpet or some kind of material. That warm friction it causes really bothers me.
-I don't mind buying cheap clothes, but I will spend some good money on shoes.
-I love living in Utah and find the stereotypes pretty funny.
-It would bother me to live somewhere smaller than Salt Lake.
-My favorite movie of all time is Sweet Home Alabama
-I am a sucker for foreign films, documentaries, and bad horror movies.
-I loved my college years at Dixie. I wasn't the best person then, but it morphed me into who I am today and I met my husband there.
-I really disliked newbornhood as a mother, but love raising a toddler. Life is funny with her a 2 1/2 now.
-I don't like to cook, but I make a great homemade mac n' cheese.
-I love Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream, Cheesecake Factory's Dulce De Leche cheesecake, and double stuff chocolate oreos.
-I don't mind vegetables or fruit, but I probably only eat them once a week.
-I love football (mainly pro).
-I love skiing and the snow, unless I'm sliding off the road in it.

-My favorite season is Fall. I've decided I like winter better than summer because I like to bundle up rather than wear shorts and t-shirts. I think it has to do with modesty.......
-My first car was a sparkly green Subaru ('85?) with a stick shift and no power steering.
-I hate mowing the lawn and weeding. This is due to something I did weekly/daily growing up.
-Digital Scrapbooking is my passion. I will probably never go back to the regular.
-I was a teacher with my husband for 3 years at a youth correctional facility and foster home. Hands down the best calling I've had.
-I have had 3 body piercings (ears excluded) and 1 tattoo.
-I love lingerie, but usually only wear it once. My husband hates how much money I spend on it just to sit in my closet on a hanger.
-I am a pretty cluttered person at home, but ususally know where everything is.
-I don't like knowing there are people in the world who hate me unless they are my sales associates. I think knowing I'm a boss doesn't bother me with how people feel about me.
-I do love hearing and sharing gossip (one of my negatives).
-I love to read and hate that pretty much all my family doesn't.
-I'm not big at receiving praise so I have a hard time giving it.
-My favorite city I've been to is San Francisco, but given the opportunity, I think I could live in New York for a time.
-Coaching (at work) is a hard thing to do for me. I would rather fix the problem myself instead of correcting the problem.
-I love cats and have no opinons of dogs.

-My one fear in life is scorpions.
-I voted for Obama and it really bothers me how many judgemental people (Utahns) there are of him. If the world blows up because of him, then at least we'll all die together.
-I am a pretty practical person, so my husbands confidence of winning the lottery drives me batty.
-I like to be right all the time, but will usually admit it if I'm not.
-People who meet me think I'm a snob because I'm really quiet if I don't know you.
-If I had to live on food storage, I could eat ramen or cup of noodles the rest of my life.
-I underestimate how smart my daughter is on a daily basis.
-I love doing and creating crafts, but probably only finish 25% of them.
-I try to be the best at everything I do and it disappoints me when I'm not.
-I am extremely competitive.
-I love the look of accessories (ie: jewelry, purses, belts, etc.), but really don't own very much of it.
-Christmas is my favorite holiday/month.
-I hate my birthstone (peridot).
-I plan to get a boob job after I'm done having kids.
-My dream vacation is somewhere tropical. I've already been to Hawaii so that doesn't count.

-I am proud of my religion.
-My favorite show currently is Desperate Housewives.
-I have internet dated before-Yikes!
-My favorite book of all time: Follow the River. My favorite author: Sidney Sheldon.
-I wore braces in high school for 3 years and had oral surgery to make my teeth beautiful.
-I have always gotten along better with the male species than the female.
-My brother and I use to watch the old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for months at time growing up.
-The one actress people say I look like the most is Julia Roberts.
-Growing up, if something went wrong, my brother and I would twist the problem around to make it look like my little sister did it. She got in trouble a lot.
-I use to have a weak bladder, so everytime I would laugh really hard, I would wet my pants.
-I am deathly afraid of speaking in front of large groups of people. I will do it if I have to, but I need to be well prepared.
-Bananas, advocados, and mexican food give me really bad heartburn.
-I get smelly feet. Gold bond powder is my miracle.
-My favorite top 3 excuses customers give me after they have left a huge mess:
1. Sorry my kids made a huge mess.
2. I'll bet you hate customers like me.
3. It is your job, at least I'm keeping you busy.
I wish I could go to these people's house and make a huge mess and then tell them it is their job to clean it up since it is there house!
-I love living in Saratoga Springs, but hate being affiliated with Utah County. (that would be another 100 reasons list some other time)

-I hate baseball on T.V. but love going to baseball games in person.
-I have zero self control with sugar.
-I have issues with myself gaining weight. Since I love sugar, I don't know if I could stick to a diet.
-I am one of those people that if I didn't know you that well and saw you randomly at a store, I probably wouldn't say Hi unless you approached me.
-I hate running into people from high school after 10 years.
-In 2nd grade, I got lost in Park City after my school class left me while I was in the bathroom.
-The sickest I have ever been is when I had mono at 18.
-I have only broken one bone in my life (a toe).
-My favorite T.V. shows as a kid were The Smurfs, Inspector Gadget, and Lassie.
-I had a huge crush on MacGyver in my pre-teen years.
-My first kiss happened in 9th grade.
-My favorite music is alternative. I hate country.
-My favorite body part on myself is my lips and eyes.
-My hated body part on myself is my butt and upper thighs.
-I love buying makeup, but only use about 30% of it on a daily basis.

-I met my husband while on a date with his roommate (he had tagged along on the date).
-I don't do well at being told what to do unless it is my boss doing it.
-My nickname growing up was Gumbie (at home).
-Peanut butter M & M's are my weakness!
-My ideal guy is a GAP or Abercrombie and Fitch model; however, I married someone completely opposite and couldn't be happier.
-I was a big tomboy until high school.
-I had a china doll named Emily growing up. When I left home, my mom have her to D.I. and the man handling her dropped her and shattered her into a million pieces.
-I love watching true crime T.V. shows.
-My favorite drink: cherry coke (or rootbeer when I'm off the caffeine).
-I am a punctual person and it bothers me when I'm late to something.

I've left a few things off this list due to the fact that my daughter might read it one day. We don't need her getting any ideas about what her mom was like a while ago!